


Students who register early have the best pick of courses, 付款计划选项, and you don’t have to endure long wait times to connect with your advisor.  不要等到最后一刻才给自己增加额外的压力,今天就开始吧!


W在这里 applicable ensure the following has been completed:

  • Have you completed a 2023 -2024 FAFSA and listed the 菲斯克学校代码0003490. If not, please complete the 2023 - 2024 FAFSA at www.studentaid.政府.
  • 你的FA-23和SP-24奖学金是否在菲斯克学生门户网站上被接受或拒绝? 如果没有,请访问 http://cra.jubaome.com/current-students/.
  • Have all required financial aid documents been received? 如果没有,请访问 the 财政援助办公室.
  • 如果斯塔福德贷款(有补贴和/或无补贴)在菲斯克学生门户网站上被接受, have you completed Entrance Loan Counseling and the Master Promissory Note? If not, the loan documents can be completed at www.studentaid.政府.
  • 如果父母想要/需要父母PLUS贷款,父母是否申请了PLUS贷款? The PLUS loan application can be completed at www.studentaid.政府. 家长需要使用他们的FSA用户ID登录网站. (If the parent does not want a PLUS loan, you can skip the next question.)
  • If the parent has applied for a parent PLUS loan, has the parent completed the Master Promissory Note (MPN)? 这可以在www上完成.studentaid.政府. The parent will need their FSA User ID to log in to the website. (If the parent will not be taking a PLUS loan, you can skip this question.)
  • Have all outside scholarship award letters been sent to Fisk University?


  1. 金融间隙. 学生必须在上课前通过学生账户结清财务. 必须在入住当天之前,不迟于上课的第一天获得带有财务清算印章的分类账. Being financially cleared means:
    • Signed Financial Responsibility Agreement on file (one per academic year).
    • 获得财政援助.
      • FAFSA完成.
      • All financial aid awards accepted/declined.
      • No required documents for financial aid.
    • 预计账单余额在公布的付款截止日期(参考学术日历)之前全额支付,或者必须签署澳门皇冠赌场平台付款计划协议合同(并且在付款安排上是最新的).
  1. 持有. Students must resolve financial holds prior to registration.
    • 什么是hold ?. Depending on your financial situation with the University, Student Accounts can place the following holds on your account:
      • 企业持有 – This hold is placed on accounts with past due balances, late on payment plan agreement, or for those that have not been financially cleared. This hold restricts the student from registering, 访问记录, 查看成绩, participating in graduation services, 并获得文凭.
      • 付款计划搁置 – will be placed on your account if you are on a payment plan. This hold only restricts 访问记录. 非正式成绩单可用于那些学生目前的付款计划.
    • W在这里 can students view hold(s). 持有 are visible on the Student Portal.
    • 如何解决hold问题. 学生必须联系学生账户来解决业务和付款计划问题.
  1. 付款方式:
    • 面对面. Cash, checks, and 汇款单s are accepted in person at Carnegie Hall. 参观卡内基音乐厅时,请注意保持社交距离.
    • 通过邮件. 检查, 汇款单, and cashier’s check may be mailed to Fisk University, Student Accounts – Carnegie Hall, 北17大道1000号, 纳什维尔TN, 37208.
    • 通过电话. 致电学生账户615-329-8546,通过电话进行信用卡付款.
    • 学生门户 – You can make a credit card payment directly on your billing statement. It is located under “My Ledger.”
  1. 最后期限.  To see the list of 重要的日子 related to your student account.
  1. FAQ部分. http://cra.jubaome.com/current-students/student-accounts/
  2. 如何安排约会

Preparing for your Advising Appointment  

在咨询预约前做好准备是成功的关键. Your advisor is a partner; a guide to assist you with navigating your path at Fisk and helping to prepare you for graduate studies or the transition into your chosen career.  请注意, 学生主要是为了理解和完成所选课程的所有学位要求.   

确保你充分利用约会时间来讨论这些话题, 至关重要的是,学生们要清楚地了解他们的学位要求,并对下学期的课程有一个总体计划.   

 To prepare for your session, please consider the following tips:  


 You are expected to be aware of the university policies, 需求, 和程序, so do your homework in advance. 熟悉学术公报和学术日历,以跟上政策的步伐, 重要的日子, 最后期限(e).g., last day to register, last day to drop a class, final exam dates, etc.).   

 Additionally, look at the course offerings in your 菲斯克学生门户网站 to choose your courses that are required for your major, 以及, 当你考虑你的职业和/或研究生/专业学校时,可能会感兴趣的课程. 此外,不要忘记与你的导师分享你的个人、学术和职业目标/期望.  Collegiate advising is a two-way street.     

 Become Familiar with your Degree Audit (Balance Sheet) 

 你有责任跟踪完成你的学位要求.  Become familiar with the tracking method (e.g. 资产负债表的形式),如何访问一个,并提出问题,以确保您了解流程. 

 要开始学习,请通过学习计划页面查看您的专业要求 在这里  


 Consider bringing questions with you to your advising meeting. Remember, if you don’t understand something, ask for clarity.     

Initiate 联系 Early and Often 

 安排一个约会,包括你的具体需求,让顾问有时间研究你的问题,或者在你的会议时间之前找到你问题的答案.  Remember, advising is more than just figuring out courses. 他们是一种资源. 你的指导老师通过服务项目帮助你将课堂知识应用到外部机会中, 研究的机会, 以及可能的实习. 理想情况下,你应该计划每学期与你的导师见面1到2次.  一定要准时赴约,如果需要更改日期或时间,要及时沟通.  


 Be honest about your circumstances and what you need to succeed.  尽早进行对话. 要积极主动! 


 Always leave a meeting knowing your next steps.  If t在这里 are any offices/staff/faculty you need to meet with next, 在离开会议之前,确保你有他们的位置和联系信息(姓名/电子邮件/电话).  


 Everyone is invested in your success. 当导师让你去一个特定的办公室或对你的出勤或表现表示担忧时, be open to their concerns and suggestions and follow-through.  


The Office of 学术 and 学生表现(AESP)



Navigate registration for courses using our registration 在这里找到的说明 

请注意, If you have holds placed onto your account, those must be addressed before registration for courses can commence.  

Common questions regarding registration:

Why does my registration session keep canceling?

  • 此错误最常见的解决方案是您的浏览器上启用了弹出窗口阻止程序,您必须禁用此功能才能继续进行注册会话. 下面的链接解释了如何禁用弹出窗口拦截器:



Internet Explorer 


Why don't I see the current course offering in my 学生门户?

  • The portal is configured to display the current term. 然而, 您可以通过在登录时更改术语来更改想要查看的术语,以便填充有关下一个术语的类的所有信息.

A business hold is preventing me from registering for class. 接下来我该做什么?

  • 要取消此hold,您需要与学生账户办公室会面. 在您被学生帐户清除后,您的所有注册特权将被恢复.

What do I do if and when a class is full?

  • You must contact the professor of the course in question. 如果得到批准, 教授必须给注册办公室发一封电子邮件,说明你已经被允许进入课程,并且可以将你添加到课程中.

How many hours do I need to be considered full-time?

  • Full-time registration status is 12-18 credit hours.  建议学生每学期学习15-16个小时,以完成学位要求,并按时毕业.